
E - Commerce


The Internet has created a new economic ecosystem, the e-commerce marketplace, and it has become the virtual main street of the world. Providing a quick and convenient way of exchanging goods and services both regionally and globally, e-commerce has boomed. Today, e-commerce has grown into a huge industry with US online retail generating $175B in revenues in 2007, with consumer-driven (B2C) online transactions impacting industries from travel services to consumer electronics, from books and media distribution to sports & fitness. With more than 70% of Americans using the Internet on a daily basis for private and/or business use and the rest of the world also beginning to catch on, e-commerce's global growth curve is not likely to taper off anytime soon. However, the US recession has taken its toll on online sales. Although early 2008 estimates by Forrester Research were very strong with 2008 revenues upwards of $204B (a 17% growth rate), 2008 holiday sales showed the first decrease in the last 7 years. Research by Com Score shows sales declining by 1% for the first 49 days of the holiday season.

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what is E-commerce
EC describes the process of buying, selling and transferring product, services, or information via computer networks, including internet. In addition to the buying and selling of goods and services.

why E-commerce? 
now, we on the new era of business that market are not the problem to sell or expose our product. with E-commerce we can just sell our product or service just at front of our fingertips. The biggest E-commerce held in the world is e-bay.
We also can said that we used internet as a business powerful gadget. 
E-commerce are easy to use and very friendly to customer. Customer can get all information that they want just from the site. no need to go outside and they can just buy it at that time also.
In other word, people can buy product that they need just by clicking on the web and it's done!

types in E-commerce are:

 - Business to Business (B2B)
 - Business to Customer (B2C)

what is B2B?
Business to business are transaction or relation in business between business entity and business entity.
such as transaction or relation between supplier and retailer. It's start from raw material producer until retailer or before the goods reach customer.

what is B2C?
Business to Customer are transaction or relation between business and customer. such as retailer and customer, wholesaler and customer. Goods that is produce by business entity reach customer.

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